Your business website is your gateway to long-lasting relationships with your customers. When new visitors come to your website, you can give them all the information to make the informed decision that you’re the right fit for their needs. But in order to do this, your website needs to be precision-engineered to encourage passing visitors to convert into qualified leads, or even paying customers. 

There’s no point funnelling your marketing budget into SEO strategies if your website design and copy don’t encourage them to start a relationship with your business. In this post we’ll look at some Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) strategies that anyone can implement to generate new leads and boost sales. But first, it’s important to…

Know your desired outcomes

Before we get into specific techniques, it’s important to know what outcomes you expect from converting visitors, as this will inform your strategy. Remember, converting doesn’t always mean buying. You may want them to sign up for a free trial or sample, join your mailing list, call for a quote or any other outcome that creates a relationship with your brand. 

Once you know your desired outcomes for each page, it’s simply a matter of choosing the right CRO techniques for your needs…

Use heat maps and scroll maps to see where visitors are losing interest

Your User Experience (UX) can play a huge part in influencing visitor behaviour and conversion rates. Using heat maps and scroll maps can show you where visitors typically click, scroll and otherwise focus their attention when they’re on your website. This can yield all kinds of useful insights to help you to de-clutter pages and ensure that visitors’ attention is directed where you need it to be.

Improve page speed

Did you know that a page-load wait time of just 5 seconds can increase your bounce rate to as much as 38%? In an age where prospects are on the go and accessing your website from a mobile device, they have less time than ever to wait for slow pages. It’s time to take active steps to improve your page speeds

Use retargeting to combat cart abandonment

57% of Australian shoppers habitually abandon their shopping carts without making a purchase. But through retargeting, you can bring them back. This utilises remarketing emails sent to existing customers’ or leads’ inboxes or targeted ads on their social feeds. If you’ve ever had an email from eBay asking if a product is still of interest to you, you know what we’re talking about. You can even use remarketing popups on your pages to encourage the visitor to hop off the fence.

Add extra focus to your landing pages

Your homepage may not be the best place from which to drive conversions. However, targeted landing pages ensure that the content visitors see is more relevant to their needs (or at least their search terms). But for landing pages to be effective, they need focus and specificity. If your landing pages focus on more than one location or product, they may lack the focus necessary to drive conversions. 

How we can help

We can precision-engineer your website so that CRO is “baked into the crust”. Our team of experts understand what influences and motivates your customers and can leverage design and UX to achieve the outcomes that mean the most to you. If you’d like to know more about our web design solutions in Hobart, Click Here to get in touch with us today.